Mohamed Refaat

A Geek ....
and sometimes a Software Engineer

See my work


Here you can find some of the projects i've worked on, you can also notice that making logos isn't my stong point :)
You can also find my resume HERE


Adrift is an entry for GameJam 2015, It's a funny post apocalyptic game where you play with two survivors that were in the International Space Station during the destruction of Earth. help them find a new planet to live on.

Technologies Used
Unity !

Find more about it from HERE

Capsule Strike

CS is multiplayer FPS deathmatch with up to 20 players featuring the awesome map of cs_assualt.

Technologies Used
Unity and Photon networking.

You can download it from HERE


Poinky the stupid jelly ball escaped from the jelly plane he belonged to, let's see how long you can help him survive before he gets sucked back in.

Technologies Used
WebGL, ThreeJS and CannonJS. The jelly effect was created using Marching Cubes algorithm.
Fork it from HERE

Super Awesome Cool Tanks

SAC Tanks is a local turnbased multiplayer game which is a cool mashup between the classic Artillery game and Worms.

Technologies Used
HTML5, PhaserJS and P2 Physics
PaperJS is used for terrain defromation
C# for terrain editor

Fork it from HERE

The Naughty Box

The Naughty Box is a Skyroads clone featuring 19 awesome levels, and comes with a level editor.

Technologies Used
C++, OpenGL, GLSL and Assimp.
C# for the level editor.

Download it from HERE

Flappy Circle

A Box2D demo.

Technologies Used
HTML5, Box2D.
Play it HERE

Crafty Pilot

A simple addictive rage game.

Technologies Used
HTML5, CraftyJs.
Play it HERE

Chess Challenge

A 2 player network chess game.

Technologies Used
XNA and Lidgren for server-client networking.
Download it HERE

Crayon Pencil

Crayon pencil is simple SHMUP. Could you save the pencil (drawn with crayons) from being erased?

Technologies Used
HTML5 and PixiJS.
Fork it HERE

Hug Of War

Hug of War is an RTS based on a global conflict after an alien race inhabited Earth, features 3 factions and a complex building heirarchy

Technologies Used
Unity !


Legacy is a turn based trading card game with an epic story and innovative mechanics.

The project is currently halted, visit Home Page for updates.